Sobre Norma Jeane (preludio #1)



For me, the most lasting impression at the Venice biennale was Norma Jeanecoloured Plasticine. Jeane created an interactive installation, which was filled with a block of coloured tri-tone plastecine. The piece of work was named #Jan25 (#Sidibouzid, #Feb12, #Feb14, #Feb17… (2011). This was taken from popular twitter hash tags, which was used in relation to the mutinies going on in the area at that certain time of disagreements.  The work was made to reference the recent Egyptian political unrest, and to remind people that sometimes they have the power to cooperatively form and guide their governmental surroundings.  Norma Jeane’s work was the most interactive and captivating the publics’ attention.

Jeane is an anonymous artist or group of artists engrossed in dissolving the authority of the individual artist. The piece began as a tri-tone representing the Egyptian flag 3D block of plasticine positioned in the centre of a plain…

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